
The original Fokker CBT type rating training courses

IST FlightTraining has the certified type rating CBTs available on DVD. We have the CBT available for diverse Fokker types (F27, F28, F50, F70 and F100)

Since 2021 we have a special offer for our Fokker CBTs

Our pricing system has changed and is now more accessible and attractive for individuals and also for airlines in these difficult times!

 1 piece5 pieces10 pieces
CBT F27€150,00€700,00€1300,00
CBT F28€150,00€700,00€1300,00
CBT F50€175,00€825,00€1550,00
CBT F70/100€200,00€950,00€1800,00
These prices are excluding 21% VAT and shipping costs. Please contact us for more information.
After many years of success and dependability, the FOKKER Computer Based Training is now available on DVD! IST Flighttraining has transferred the data from videodiscs digitally to DVD, thereby bringing the FOKKER CBT courseware into the 21st century. The use of pc’s and/or laptops in the training industry is rapidly becoming a common practice, increasing flexibility, scheduling and training results on one hand, and keeping training expenses to a minimum on the other hand.

To enhance the learning experience and create an individualized learning environment, each lesson includes several program modes of instruction: type rating and type recurrency. The type rating mode presents information in a step-by-step format for the initial type rating. The Type Recurrency mode tests the student’s knowledge and allows a review of systems.

The courseware covers all aircraft systems and many associated procedures, cautions and warnings. As an integral component of ground school, the CBT courses prepare students for the full-flight simulator. A complete training program is an integrated combination of class lectures, CBT, and full-flight simulator sessions. Fokker’s CBT’s modular design and individualised learning environment allows instructors to maximise the effectiveness of ground school instruction and reduce the amount of expensive simulator training time required to transition pilots. The courses are designed for a broad variety of student audiences, ranging from recent Flight school graduates with only 250 hours, to transitioning airline pilots, to military pilots.

The course duration varies depending on aircraft type but is approximately

3h.30 – 5h.30 of interactive instruction.

The courses are divided into modules as shown below:

Air ConditioningAir ConditioningAFCSAFCAS 1/2
CommunicationsAPU 1/2Air ConditioningAir Conditioning
ElectricalBleed AirAlert1/2APU
Flight ControlsCommunicationsAPUBleed Air
FuelElectricalBleed AirElectrical
GeneralFlight Controls 1/2ElectricalFlight Controls 1/2
Ice & Rain ProtectionFuelFire ProtectionFMS
InstrumentationGeneralFlight ControlsFuel
Landing Gear & BrakesHydraulicFuelFWS
LightsIce & Rain ProtectionGeneralGeneral
Navigation 1/2InstrumentationHydraulicHydraulic
OxygenLanding Gear & BrakesIce & Rain ProtectionIce & Rain Protection
PneumaticLightsLanding Gear & BrakesLanding Gear & Brakes
Power Plant 1/2/3Navigation 1/2Navigation 1/2Navigation1/2
OxygenPower Plant 1/2Power Plant 1/2/3
Power Plant 1/2/3/4

IST FlightTraining is the only by Stork authorized distributor of the Original Fokker CBT. Any other “original” Fokker CBT obtained from others then IST FlightTraining on DVD or Web Based Training is illegal. The use of such CBT may bring you in problems. Reference of this statement is available by IST FlightTraining.

And only IST FlightTraining has a retro active certification of the original Fokker CBT of the Dutch CAA. Reference of this statement is available at IST FlightTraining.

Fokker F27 demo

Fokker F50 demo

FokkerF70 / F100 demo